English alias: | ||
CAS No.: | 70356-09-1 | |
Molecular Formula: | C20H22O3 | |
Molecular Weight: | 310.39 | |
EINEC No.: | 274-581-6 |
指 标 名 称 Specification |
指 标 Index |
外 观 Appearance |
类白色至淡黄色结晶粉末 Off-white to yellowish crystal powder |
含 量 Assay |
≥98.0% |
熔 程 Melting range |
81.0~86.0℃ |
色谱纯度 Chromatographic purity |
单个杂质 Any individual impurity: ≤3.0% |
总杂质 The sum of all of the impurities: ≤4.5% |
干 燥 失 重 Loss on drying |
≤0.5% |